Covid-19 – Information for Guests
- Tuesday March 3rd 2020
- Covid-19
As part of the most recent updates to the containment plan for the Covid-19 coronavirus we have been advised by the Australian Government to temporarily close Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures. The move is consistent with the closure of other venues and postponement of events in order to prevent further outbreak. The closure is effective across all Merlin attractions in Australia as of midday on 23rd March, 2020. Meanwhile, rest assured, our staff will continue to feed, care for and provide enrichment opportunities for the animals in our care and our wax figures will no doubt keep each other company until we re-open.
To be kept up to date on when the attraction is scheduled to re-open, please come back and visit our website and if you have already purchased tickets to our attraction, you may use these tickets for any future date through to December 31, 2020. We look forward to delivering memorable experiences again soon.